The Serpent

Alcoholism was a seed planted by the enemy at an early age.  I had recognized that years ago; Every time I drank I ended up drunk because I couldn’t stop.  So, I put the alcohol away. But I never committed to my total defeat. I always wondered if I would be able to drink someday… It was comparable to putting a poisonous snake in a box and sitting on the lid.  I sat there holding the lid down for many years.  I believed I had trained the snake to stay in the box.  It would never come out now and if it did, it would not bite me. I was older and wiser now.  I wandered away from the discipline of avoiding alcohol.  I began to experiment with alcohol on the weekends at first.  It was just as I believed it would be;  I can certainly drink now.  The alcoholism has left!  Things really have changed. Maybe I'm delivered. Now I was happy and free when I drank.  I was no longer a drunk every time I drank.  I was functioning and I was living an amazing life... The next thing I knew, I was driving my car in a blackout. I found myself with my head on the steering wheel, sitting in the middle of someone’s yard. There were muddy skid marks all over the grass.
I recognized that the serpent was loose again, but it was too late. His cunning voice had convinced me I was okay. He was leading me around. I was bitten. I longed for the time each day that I could be with the poisonous reptile.  It was alive after all.  Nothing else mattered anymore. The serpent had grown wiser and stronger each day in the box. I was beaten.

 Rattlesnake, Toxic, Snake, Dangerous