18 Years

 As sobriety continues, you would think that it would be easy to forget about what a miracle it is to be constantly sober. I figured my sobriety date would fade into life just as a birthday does. For me, as time passes, I’m realizing that sobriety grows in relevancy. I don’t spend as much time maintaining sobriety or working at it, but it continues to transform my life. Sobriety threw all my priorities upside-down. People, relationships, and God became most important. I no longer fear people or their opinions anymore. I appreciate people – even some who are difficult.  I have courage and discipline now, though I’m still taking baby steps in these areas. The celebration is less about fanfare, but deeper and far reaching. In a sense, I celebrate my sobriety date every day. That’s because I feel almost chosen as one of the ten percent who are living in long term recovery. I didn’t do this. It was proven that I can’t do this.

The gratitude grows...