Still a Child

I saw a child in the mall being carried by her dad.  Both the girl’s arms and legs were wrapped tightly around him.  Her curly head was pressed against her dad’s shoulder. The blue eyes struck me. Her staring, wide pupils had a satisfied, secure, yet faraway look.  It seemed that the girl wouldn’t rather be anywhere else at that moment. I found myself thinking, I want that, too! I want to feel that kind of deep safety and care.  To my surprise, I got a wordless, but definite answer. I saw myself bring held close by my Heavenly Father.  I saw Him walk into the house I lived in when I was three. He reached down and picked me up.
 It’s not too late?
 Never too late!
What I lack, can be found. What I missed, can be experienced. What I need can and will be given.  God is my truest Father.

Dad And Son, Dad And Son Outside, Straw