Attitude Adjustments

When I first became sober, I had few choices.  It was important that I did what I was told.  I had gone so low in my humiliating behaviors that I couldn’t think for myself.  I relied on both professional and personal resources to give me directions and guidance. As the years have gone by, I see that I can now make decisions and that I have choices because I have stayed sober. However, because I don’t have to listen to others for guidance, I find myself becoming detached.  I can be independent. I don’t need others.  Vulnerability is a choice.  Humility is a choice.  Where is the balance?  I have to go back to the beginning of sobriety and remember that I never would have stayed sober without accountability.  You can’t be both accountable and detached.  So now I realize that though I have choices, I still require attitude check-ups, and though I hate feeling bossed around by other people’s opinions, sometimes I do need advice.  I am grateful that I have God and I have Godly friends.  Otherwise, where would I be? All things are new, but I have to allow my past and the past of others to teach me wisdom.

Baby, Child, Cute, Baby Girl