
Boundaries have always been confusing to me and continue to be confusing in my recovery of alcoholism.  I want others to help me but when they do, I feel smushed.  I over-do it when I give help, and then I’ve become an enabler, sticking my nose in when I should back off and mind my own business.  That is because I have been an expert controller, getting too involved and fixing things so that my friend doesn’t have to take responsibility.  But should I let my friend get involved with things that will hurt her?  On the other hand, sometimes I don’t get involved when I am supposed to help.  That is because I am picky about the kind of help that I want to give. Meet with someone and encourage her to do the right thing?  Tell her the complete truth? No, I don’t think I want to do that. It would be easier to just keep things simple and continue the way they are. It would be easier to communicate only part of the solution. If I know to do right, is it okay to with hold it?
It is time for me to start choosing the higher road.  Honesty is always best, even if I can’t tell her everything, I can be true to myself, my growth, and my friend. 

Thistle, Milk Thistle, Weed, Botanical