A New Name

I used to think of myself as The Town Drunk. Gradually, through God’s grace, I have been able to see myself as someone who has been given new life.  I am not that person. I don’t even believe any longer that I ever was The Town Drunk. I was deceived, sick, and addicted because of past trauma.  I am washed, cleansed, forgiven.
The one problem left is that I still wonder if other people think of me as The Town Drunk. God has recently answered that question.  He gave me a new name.  I will strive to no longer think of the phrase Town Drunk.  God says that I am known to Him as Sower of Redemption.   He will make it known that I am this.  It’s not up to me.  My job is to follow Him and to turn from those thoughts that are contrary to my new name.
God, please give me the grace to walk in this truth.  Amen.

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