Turn the Channel

I’m watching the old re-runs again.  Spiritual re-runs;  You’re not really free. You’re afraid.  You went too far in the evil stuff.  That’s why you’re afraid…You can’t really get out.  You backslid beyond redemption.
That’s NOT Possible.  Redemption means ALL is new. It's re-created. It's good.   
Will I allow the old thoughts to maintain control?  To whom or what do I give control?
I choose God. I call out. He gives me the spiritual authority to tell the icky thoughts to leave NOW. They are from the evil one.
Will I turn around and “buy back into” the old words?  Will I turn on the channel of negativity and destruction again?  Really??
            I will unsubscribe. It is no longer available.  I’m not paying for that anymore.
I pray words of life. I think words of life. I speak words of life. Wait…. Do I speak words of life? THERE is the disconnect. I noticed that I turned back on enemy radio XM  when it came time for ME to speak. Suddenly I find myself listening and then broadcasting the slime that I heard.
But I am redeemed from all curses. That includes word curses. I can dwell on God’s words. I can speak His words. I can start over again. And again. Patience.
The outward is learning to match the inward.  I am transformed from the inside out. So I will not give up.  God’s grace is available and God’s grace overcomes.  Always.  Redemption through Jesus is a finished work. Inside of me is a finished work!!!!!!

                                           Room, Office, Modern, Lectronic