Man can only repair a broken clay pot. He doesn’t have the ability to make it new
again. But God can. He can take the
broken pieces and make a new pot entirely. That’s what He does with us.
am the true Potter. Blind eyes are an
obstacle to My work of redemption.
Stopped ears cannot hear the sound of My voice that speaks into creation.
But you do not have these infirmities of the senses if you are allowing Me to
mold you from clay again. The clay pot was broken. You were broken. An entirely new vessel can be made from My
hand. Let me do this. My forming will bring a willing heart with a wisdom
about life that cannot be obtained without fire. A broken pot with pride is not useful. It will only be thrown away or used for
drainage. But a broken pot with humility
can be recreated by my hand. Look to Me
alone. Not to man. I and I only can make something new from the
pieces that man would discard or glue. Rejoice when you are broken. Brokenness is an opportunity for resurrection power.
“We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the
excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”. 2 Cor. 4:7