The Thief

The thief does not come except to kill, and to steal, and to destroy.
How does the thief find his way in?  When I follow the emotional low road of impulsivity, I behave selfishly.  What does this have to do with stealing, killing, or destroying?  A lot.  My vision for loving others can be quickly stolen.  My goal to promote peaceful outcomes gets killed. My ability to show genuine mercy is destroyed.  I follow feelings.  Worldly desires become my motive. I take revenge.
Getting offended is the major way I allow myself to be stolen from.  Standing up for someone else seems like a good thing, but if I become controlling and exert my will and pride, I lose.  My opportunity to be effective was stolen and the person that needed help also missed out. 
If I get angry at a family member who needs help, that means I over ride patience and kindness.  I just killed the chance to love.
Driving by the homeless guy because I’m feeling impatient destroys my own blessing to give.
Taking offense never causes me to gain anything.  If I take up offenses, then I, too,  become offensive.  I’m acting like I did in the drunken days!
I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.  
I want that.
(Jn. 10:10)
Lost Places, Abandoned Place, Home, Room