
Acceptance is one thing we are encouraged to develop when we are in recovery for addiction.  A major reason we drank or drugged was because we couldn’t accept things.  We used to escape into addiction to avoid acceptance, but now we must learn to cope. We always wanted things changed to match our desires.  We wanted things the way we wanted them. I often still feel this way.
       Acceptance is closely related to gratitude.  If I can find a reason to be grateful, then I can accept difficulty. My negative mind is very stubborn about staying negative. I have to have grace.  But it’s more than just looking at the good and not at the bad.  Gratitude is a way of giving up control over my will to be right. Gratitude is also a way to grieve in a healthy way.  If I choose to hear truthful pain instead of looking at why the pain shouldn’t be there, I can get gratitude for the healing that begins to take place on the inside. In order to become Grate-FULL, I may need to start out EMPTY.  There has to first be a void in order for me to appreciate the fullness when it arrives. The healing of trauma brings about deep appreciation for God my Healer. A lost relationship through death or other separation can become the motive to foster new relationships that bring life and joy. Because I lost my sister, I have learned to appreciate sister-like relationships. There always seems to be a circle. And God brings me all the way around if I let Him.
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