Kid Stuff is Real

             As recovering alcoholics, we must deal with our past. We are given lots of advice about how to take care of resentments. But we are also warned about obsessing with self. We are warned about getting stuck in childish patterns and fears. I used to think the stuff that happened when I was a kid was over and done.  If I began to remember things that bothered me from those years, I dismissed it quickly.  I decided it was silly to dwell on hurts or fears from years ago.  It only brought self-pity or remorse.  What’s the purpose of feeling bad all over again? Just keep burying those things. They will disappear.  But they didn’t disappear.
         I have recently learned to pay attention to reoccurring memories from my childhood. I remembered that I was afraid to feel close to God when I was young.  When I turned away from God, I turned away from people also.  Now I understand that when I turned away from God, I was turning away from love because God is love. I remember feeling starved for love. I wondered why.  I had a good family.  I had friends. I had a hamster and a dog.  I even had a church that loved people. But I felt unloved and unable to love.  I was afraid of love. I recently talked with God about this.  I found out that this could be easily fixed. I went back to that day that I ran away from God. I closed my eyes and pretended it was that same day. I told Him I wanted to be close to Him and to love Him back.  It’s not that I haven’t been praying or talking with Him. All these years I’ve been spending time with Him, but I felt like there was something missing. I needed to go back to that particular time I turned away from Him and start from that place. That memory has changed since I did that. Now when I think about the day I ran from Him there is no fear, regret or discontentment.  I feel comfort and a nurturing love from Him.  I’ve decided that feelings do matter a lot.  They show me important things.
How did I figure this all out? The Father showed me. These thoughts about my childhood are not my own. They are Him.  Who else would talk to me about love?  He wanted to make it right.  I’m so glad I listened.
Balloon Child Female Girl Heart Human Kid