More is Better ?

More is better. More bug spray, more hair gel, more chocolate, more caffeine.  When I was an active alcoholic, it was more beer, more wine, another pint.  Now it’s more of anything that feels good. I finally learned that overdoing things does not make them better. More is not always  good.  More fertilizer can be harmful. More fat or salt is harmful. Is there anything that cannot be over done?  Caring for others might fall into that category.  It is good to care for others, but even in doing that, I end up either helping too much or with poor motives. Then I tell myself that I should have done more.  I should’ve given a few more gifts, more money, more time. One act of kindness can leave me feeling condemned for not doing more.  
        Here are my latest conclusions regarding more;
 If I can’t have one of something, then it must be an addiction. Sugar, I have discovered, is an addiction; stay away.
Shopping can be an addiction for me.  When I have to shop, then I might need accountability to stay on track.  I plan my shopping carefully now.
I can help my family or friends without getting overbearing, enabling, or nosy. I can stop when it’s time without shaming myself. Part of loving others is showing kindness to me sometimes.
I can tell myself what I did right today! Here is what I did well. What did I learn from that? I stopped eating before I went overboard!  If not, no condemnation. 
I guess if I want to use a whole can of hair spray,
I will just have to suffer my own consequences…..
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