Higher Power

Find a Higher Power? IN recovery from alcoholism, we are advised to find a higher power of our own understanding.  My experience has been that if I understand all about a higher power, then it is probably not a very powerful deity.  My God is all knowing and all powerful. My God gives wisdom about things that I couldn’t possibly know such as what to say to a hurting individual. Peace in turmoil comes only from my God. Courage to do the right thing at the right time comes from my God.  If I didn’t believe that my God was the best one, then He wouldn’t be the God I can count on. If I find myself wanting to let others know what a great God my higher Power is, then He must be meeting my needs. I REALLY HAVE A HARD TIME KEEPING TO MYSELF ABOUT A HIGHER POWER THAT IS AWESOME.
That makes it difficult because we, in recovery, are not supposed to try and evangelize about our higher power. It’s hard NOT to feel that the God who so loved the world that he sent His only Son to die for us isn’t the true God. But what other God causes people to feel loved when they are at the lowest point of despair? What other God took our weaknesses upon Him, and demands nothing in return except our own imperfect love? What other God fixes our mess ups and makes us stand up and be strong? What other God causes His people to change habits, behaviors, and yet, even if we don’t change them He desperately loves us? What other God no longer sees shortcomings? What other God took our place in death? Our hurts and shame become helpful to others in His kingdom. A perfect God raises imperfect men and women to be seated in heavenly places in His kingdom.  There is no doubt about who the Higher Power is or isn’t in His Kingdom. Darkness cannot substitute for light. It will quickly be discovered. True deliverance from addiction can only come from the ultimate source of freedom. Small gods cannot substitute for the Heavenly Father who is King of Kings.
That is my experience. Nothing else but HIM will do.