Just Wondering...

What does God sound like?  Does He have a kind voice or a gruff voice, an angry voice or a calm, peaceful voice. Does He yell or is He soft spoken?  Can He be all of these?  It seems He speaks in many ways and many forms.  He communicates in whatever method necessary to do His work. God has an impossible job and He loves to move in power on behalf of all people. I’ve heard that God whispers a name at a midnight hour. I’ve heard that He gives the simplest advice; If I were you, I wouldn’t go there.  I’ve heard that He laughs at arrogant evil plans that discount His intervention and power.  I’ve been told that He sings over a sleeping child and a weeping mother.  Does He warn the unruly?  God forgives the worst offender; I love you no matter what you did, my son. He even causes people to speak up for the helpless.   Does He sit silently on his throne in judgement? My experience is that He is moved with compassion for the drunks and the sinners.  He comes after us.  Most importantly, God never gives up. He never tires of offering the peace he paid for.
Northern Lights, Aurora