
My Savior was scarred so that my scars could become whole. By whole I don’t mean that my scars completely disappear, but that my life is restored. My scars bring new vision. My scars are a picture of hope to those who have the same kind of scars. Past wounds do heal, but the scars remain to remind me that I am forever indebted to The One who bought my freedom. I am grateful and I want to help others look to Him who will also turn their wounds into healthy scars.
A scar that came about from a painful wound gradually gives way to forgiveness and understanding - with God’s help. I can gain acceptance and truth from that scar.  I have learned much and I can pass it on. The inside of me changed, but the scar remains on my skin. I now have a testimony of God’s great faithfulness and healing.  Others may ask, “How did you get that scar?”  It is now my story of redemption.
Lion, Fight, Kruger, Guy, Scars, Lion