I Can have PEACE

I can have peace! “The Lord of Peace Himself will give you peace always in every way.” 2 Thess 3:16.  Now that is a wonderful promise. I have been saying it over and over to myself all week, and it’s starting to sink in a little. Worry keeps trying to take over, and the battle rages, but the word of truth wins if I believe it.  It seems that peace has to s do with surrender and rest. If I can picture myself resting in the lord and handing my load of junk over to Him, I can maintain some peace. I imagine the dump truck pulling in and taking my load off to the dump. I have to remember that I can’t do this myself. I have to let Him do the taking.  I have to let Him take my busy-ness, too. Running all day at 100 miles an hour is not conducive to peace.  Sometimes God says, “Slow down. You’re doing too much today”. Other times He might say, “Let not your heart be troubled. I am here. You can do this”. The important thing is that I am loved no matter what and that makes a big difference. If I remember I am loved, it’s easier to let myself see that I deserve rest and peace.  We all deserve it. Often I drive myself because I falsely believe I have to earn His love and maybe eventually I will get some peace, but that is wrong. He says peace is mine ALWAYS AND IN EVERY WAY. I’ll take it.  Just knowing it’s available and I do nothing to get there except surrender brings me some peace.
Dump Truck, Machine, Heavy, Vehicle