The Comfort Zone

I am seeing there are opportunities for good when I am pushed out of my comfort zone. I love the comfort zone… my robe, my bed, my friends, my chair, my food, my deck, even my purse... But when those things change or aren’t available, then what? Yikes!
I have decided though, that SAMENESS MAKES ME DULL. I take everything for granted, turn off God’s voice, and go enjoy myself.
The other day I drove to a sporting event that was a ways from my new house. The neighborhoods I drove through looked scary and crime-ridden. When I got to the event, I noticed that the people looked urban and rich. Whoa, this is different. I looked around and realized that many people appeared to be in their comfort zone; they laughed and talked easily with others, they knew the place, and they knew the rules - both the written rules for the event - as well as the unwritten, secret rules of social norms. (I had to ask which restroom to use. I walked the wrong direction around the field and couldn’t get in.) There were a few people, though, who also did not know things. They appeared alone, as I was. They appeared uncertain, as I was. It dawned on me; when I am not comfortable, I am more willing and able to see the discomfort of others; they are scared, they are lonely, they, too, for whatever reason, are insecure.
Then I realized that there are people who live much of their life out of their comfort zone because of poverty, death, divorce, disease, addiction…. These people need other people who get them. People everywhere are needy. I just need to look and see, instead of being blind and comfortable.  Now I get what it feels like again to be lonely, afraid, insecure, not even knowing how to get places, not knowing what to do or where to go.
This is good. I think. This gives me understanding and empathy. I think. Now what?  Will I fear, or will I love?
Alkoghol, Narkomaniia