The Easy Road

Life has never felt like an easy road. I have had to do lots of kinds of "work" to get healthy; climbing, sorting, healing,wrestling, and rebooting. There were several years that felt pretty smooth. I had lots of choices, lots of fun, and lots of good times. Though that is true still, I realize that life is not really my own. If I am fully in recovery, I am always hoping for opportunities to help others who may not yet have achieved sobriety.  People were kind to me, how could I not repay the kindness? That means that I don’t always get to complete my own plans. I might be planning to go shopping and get called to a meeting. If I am a follower of Christ that is also how life happens;  I am hopefully led by compassion and a drive to fulfill Christ’s goals. My own plans may have to go by the wayside for a day or even be put on hold.  Showing mercy has lots of faces. That might include cleaning, driving, praying, talking, eating, sitting by someone you don’t want to sit by...  My own desires can’t be first. I am slowly learning to ask God or at least listen to his voice when making plans so that I don’t have to later say. Oh, sorry, I have something else to do today.
When we help bear the load, we are always on call. We are always sharing ourselves. We are always listening. These things are not easy for me, and I often fail. But it’s always good, VERY good, because we are in God’s army.
Breakdown, Warning Triangle