I’ve heard it said that we can make a difference every day.
Why do some days seem so positive, faith-filled, and full of goodness, while others
seem difficult and heavy with fear? I’ve
discovered that for me these differences have to do with my start of the day. I’ve
known for a long time that prayer is important for my daily outlook. Meditating on God’s word also brings peace
and confidence. Praying the scripture out loud changes me; I can stay positive
and focused afterward.
This morning I noticed
how different my day began after praying this scripture: “God grant me,
according to the riches of Your glory, to be strengthened with might through Your
Spirit inside of me.”
The important thing about might is that it includes
God’s power, His splendor, His greatness, and His goodness. It is far more than
physical, mental, or emotional strength. It is spiritual strength. Spiritual
strength on the inside of me gives me the ability to overcome. I watched myself
overcome fear without even thinking about it or trying to make it go away. His
might that comes through His Spirit is preventative; Things that could
happen, don’t happen. Things that I could wrestle with are absent now. Things
that I normally strive to believe are found to be naturally steeped in faith.
Not only that, but I can avoid negativity, one of my oldest weaknesses. God showed
me that taking action is what produces faith. His might gives me courage to take the action of speaking encouragement
to someone. That, in turn brings more desire to ask again for His might that
comes only through His Spirit.
Might is power. Might is positive energy that overcomes