Poor in Spirit

It seems to me that drunks are naturally oblivious about what others think of them.  Drunks are seemingly without pride when it comes to of the opinions of others. However, there was plenty of self- serving pride operating while I drank.  I would lay awake at night and worry about what others thought of me.  Pride was a major motivation for all I did.
 I never understood Poor in Spirit but I’m starting to now.  It doesn’t mean spiritually low or spiritually inferior, but it means poor in the spirit of self, but rich in God’s Spirit. I believe Poor in Spirit  means that there is low interest in worldly priorities and a high desire to know God’s heart .
Interestingly, I think I had more ability to be poor in spirit while I was drinking.  I was needy for help and needy for God.  I thought of the needs of others because I didn’t want to think about my own problems.  Staying needy is an important thing in sobriety but it’s easy for me to forget that. I tend to mistakenly believe I can stay healthy on my own now that I’m no longer frantic in withdrawal.  I think I can put off getting help because I am self-aware now.
So it’s back to basics now. I’m looking at my NEED for God. Do I have NEED for God’s care and constant direction, or can I do it myself?  Do I have NEED for the help of others, or do I prefer my own expertise?
How do I get NEEDY?  The answer, I believe, is to ASK. Ask God to show me how to stay needy for Him and others.  Only through God’s Spirit will I  develop  awareness of His heart of compassion. Only through God’s Spirit will I want what He wants; laying down selfish desires.
I’m asking for a miracle. I will report back later.
Hand, Buddhist Prayer Beads, Religion