
        Those of us who drank or drugged often did so in hopes of relieving disappointment. We had to learn new strategies for dealing with the set back of things not going our way. When we were faced with our own needs not being met, we couldn’t accept the outcome.  Escape became our solution.
       Learning new behaviors is often the hardest part of sobriety. Deciding to ask God to help us surrender our will is the first step.  I have to remember that it’s not always about me. I can’t see the whole picture and often others are affected by the outcome in ways that I don’t realize.
       Waiting for the answer can teach me patience - if I let it. That involves letting go of the outcome and trusting God. Faith is when I rest in knowing that He is working, even though I have no clue what is going on. What is going on, God? It is okay to pray this and it doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t have faith. I can still believe that God is working while I vent my true feelings to Him. How are you ever gonna fix this, God?  I’m struggling to believe. Those honest prayers can help snap me back into resting in Him and His divine work. As I pray in earnest, He highlights the truth that is often in my own words.
       Outcomes that I don’t understand are the worst; It doesn’t make any sense, God. But I have to remember I walk by faith, not by sight. Sight actually gets in the way of my faith because I try to make selfish sense  out of what I am seeing. It is best to just look the beyond the immediate distraction and tell Him, God I am trusting you, God I am trusting you, God I am trusting you again.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body, and at home with the Lord.   1 Cor. 5: 7,8
Signs, Rust, Board, Disappointment