Humanly Impossible

      It is humanly impossible to remain free of unforgiveness, or free of hatred when you’ve been through violent injustice. Resentment, bitterness and vengeance are the response that is understandable, acceptable, and even encouraged by many around us. That is the way of our spiritual enemy. He wants us to feel justified in having resentment and bitterness toward those who have wronged us. That is our human flesh. It naturally follows the leader of the fallen world. God is saying there is a way out. God is saying He will bring complete deliverance from these fleshly responses. He will sever us from the grasp of the evil one. He has paid the price. It is time.
      You have suffered too long. God is responding out of His great love for you. He is coming after you to lift up your heart. He will turn your heart away from the hate. It seems impossible but it is not. You have suffered long in this trial, but Jesus has suffered long with you. He’s been right there. He wants to relieve your pain. Come to Him with these horrible painful hateful feelings. Come to Him with the shame and guilt for angry actions. Come to him with sorrow and loss. Come to him with the unforgiveness. You have felt justified in the unforgiveness, but it is weighing you down and causing you more pain. The unforgiveness and vengeful thoughts are from Satan, who wants to keep you in pain and anger. He wants to keep piling it on. The warfare is not against flesh and blood. The fight in the spiritual realm is not even against those who hurt you. He or she is a mere puppet of the enemy.
        It is time to bring all to Jesus. He will take each heaviness and each pain…each terrible memory.
God’s plan is unfolding now. His timeline is to move on.  God’s intent is to lift you up into the spirit realm with Him above the hate and pain. Surrender and thanksgiving are the doorway. As you enter in you will become free; free of all this stuff you’ve been carrying. The enemy wants you to believe that you can’t possibly get free of the pain and the stress, the hate. You can be free. God’s heart is for you to be free. He is not condemning you.
       God may even have songs for you to sing. Lift up a shout of victory.  The freedom will be seen by many. It cannot be hidden.
       Go for it.
Stand and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you.

Grand Canyon, Nature, Feminine, Divine