No Place for Pride

        Pride is the greatest enemy of sobriety. That is because we need help to stay sober. Beating pride means we admit our ways don’t work. 
         By clinging to my rightness, I believed I knew better than God about drinking alcohol. That is why I couldn’t get or stay sober for a number of years. I only needed God when I wanted to need him..
       Pride also has to do with judging. I judged myself above needing help. I judged others as weak and unable to cope with life. I believed I could manage on my own. I would drink and I would succeed. That is why I required humiliating events to come about in order to be broken of these prideful beliefs. There was no humility in me. I was right. God was wrong, and so were those who needed help.
        The constant anger I felt while drinking was because of this inability to admit defeat. Thinking I knew more, and yet being unable to prove myself the winner made me angry. I thought I was declaring my rightness in drinking round the clock, and yet, I couldn’t succeed so I got angrier.
       God finally allowed me to come to the place of defeat. There was no escaping the fact that I had failed at life with drinking.  Pride had to be found wrong. I was not right. I was dead wrong. Drinking was not something I could successfully do. My life was a failure in all parts. I couldn’t drink - not even a little because a little meant oblivion and craziness. The truth came.  It was all or nothing. Pride was finally defeated.
      This can still be true today in other areas of my life. I often have to come to a place of defeat because I’m simply too stubborn to admit I am wrong and I need help. The good news is that I have history on my side now. I know I will be a proven looser if I continue in my own ways, letting pride be the leader again. God is The Proven Winner. He is Redeemer, the One who paid the price for victory, the ultimate Defender of the weak. He is the One who proves Himself in us because we are His.
Sunbeam, Clouds, Wolkenloch, Sky, Nature