The Other Realm

If you think that it seems like the dark side is winning, and you’re going to lose, look again.   The fire is a sign. There’s help in the heavenly realm. The troops are gathering. There are horses, timeless artillery vehicles; chariots. There is fierceness, increase, wholeness, justice. We will gain much more than what was stolen; vindication, multiplication, restoration.  The proportion of loss will be reclaimed, the baggage delivered.
See it.  Hear it!   The horizon is full. From the east to the west they’re standing waiting, tireless.
Who are these?  The command of The Lord of Hosts.  They’ve been watching it all. They’ve been preparing. The plans are drawn, the weapons barely needed.
Trust and rest now. The times of completion will be known. Your directions will effortlessly come to you. Stand and be strong. Make ready your ears.

Horse, Eye, Mirror, Reflection, Close Up