
I was thinking about gift giving this year. What I would like to give is hope. I would like to fix pain and make it go away. I would like to make anger melt.  I would like to make sorrows transform and injustices become just. It feels helpless to know that the gifts I am giving are so meaningless compared to what is really needed. Socks! Toys! Pajamas! vs Love, Joy, Salvation!
But then I thought that is the point. I can make known The One who makes all things new. He truly can make the changes that bring life. God can bring healing and peace to hearts. I have heard it said, I can’t. He can. That is our greatest gift; telling others about the Christ Child. A child who is THE KING has offered Himself to us as a gift! HE is ours. He IS the answer, AND HE HAS THE ANSWERS.
I must find more ways to tell HIS story.

Christmas, Gifts, Packed, Surprise