The Gift of a Pearl

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
        Let’s say I did have a pearl of great price. Let’s say that I lost it. Would I just walk away and forget about it? Would I just say, Oh well, that’s how it’s going to be. Nothing I can do about it. It’s not my fault. Better yet, it’s God’s fault. If someone stole my pearl would I just let them have it? I would get the best lawyer I could find and take legal action. I would even go into debt to get it back because the value far exceeds the loss.
      A pearl of great value is a relationship. It is at times of strife that I see how valuable people are to us. The barometer of pain lets us know that. Love can hurt. If we retaliate, it can become difficult to rectify outbursts of anger. Even then, we can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. It can feel like it's not worth the humiliation or the fear of more pain. It’s far easier to label people as “toxic waste”. Give up. It’s too hard. Garbage dumps are full of damaged pearls. Not trying because of pride is costly. Not looking for real help brings evil regret. Half-way trying is a well-worn excuse. 
        “Too late” is not a phrase God uses. He actually thrives in our neediest times if we let Him. It’s His thing. He can and will give understanding hearts if we desire it. Greater love comes through fire. Misunderstandings become clear in an instant. Pain brings revelation of goodness. Even the worst regret brings appreciation for what could be.
         There is no other pearl like “that one”.  It is worth restoring. It is worth time and effort. It is worth the struggle of bearing the pain – of facing the damage head on. It is worth the temporary “shame” of taking ownership. Relationships are more valuable and more resilient than a pearl. They are priceless.
Jewellery, Beads, Chain, Necklace