A Different Life?

What if I weren’t an alcoholic?  Would my life be the same now? No, Definitely not. Maybe I would still have the same family, job, home that I had before the drinking. But would I have had self-esteem and success if I hadn’t been alcoholic?  Would I have different friends or interests?  Would I have found other strengths and abilities to pursue?  I always wanted to try sky diving. 
The real question for me is, would I have come to understand God’s love and acceptance so deeply  if I hadn’t become alcoholic?  How could I have found out how much he forgives if I hadn’t needed such an amount of forgiveness? It certainly wouldn’t be the same.  I have been desperate and with that desperation I felt the great mercy and acceptance from my heavenly Father. He also moved upon my family and friends who showed me great forgiveness and love.  I had lost my way. I behaved like The Town Drunk. When you go low in humiliation, you find out how much you are loved. God remained completely faithful. He even became more compassionate. I have said before that it seemed that God came after me. It seemed that he chased me down. He wanted me to know that I was loved no matter what. He wanted me to know He would not leave me. Ever. How could I possibly have come to know this kindness so deeply if I hadn’t done so much damage to others and even to the name of Christ?  The only conclusion I can come to is that I am grateful that I am an alcoholic. I am grateful that I went to the bottom of the barrel so I could feel the love and care of my Father in Heaven and His Son. If I could see my life without the alcoholism, I believe that I would choose this life. The depths of God cannot be found in a life of ease. I had to see what it was like to lose myself and then be found again by Him. That took a total of 20  plus years  - and still counting. That is my overwhelming conclusion. I’ll never know for sure what my life would have been like without the alcoholism, but I am deeply grateful for the outcome.  I'm still alive to try the sky diving. 
Paragliding, Airshows, Sliač, Slovakia