What is an Infirmity?

Most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. When I am weak, I am strong. That well-known scripture from 2 Cor. 12 has new meaning today.
I thought that infirmities were simply weaknesses. I looked at the definition and found an interesting thing; infirmities include failures!  Infirmity; malady, disease; a personal failing; weak of mind, will, or character; irresolute, vacillating; not stable. Though I have experienced all of those, I never could get past my hundreds of failures. I felt I let Him down more than anyone or anything. And I kept doing the same drunken thing night after night, day after day. BUT He PAID for my failures and now He says, Your failures are MINE. You are done with them. I own them. I bought them. They are no longer yours. Those failures and weaknesses become HIS story. HIS business. HIS work of glorious rescue, no longer my failing. No wonder the other part of that verse says, My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.
The nature of infirmity is as far from God’s character as it could be. And yet, He owns them. He overcomes in a powerful way. Our surrender often brings a one hundred eighty degree turn around.  We are His witnesses. The weak become super-hero strong. The vacillating become faithful to His purposes. There is no way to explain it away or disprove the miracle. Here we are sober, in our right mind, forgiven, standing against evil, sitting with Christ in heavenly places. And this is only the beginning!
Cloud, Heart, Love, Romance, Romantic