I am grateful for people in my life who make life beautiful.
I am especially grateful for...
Discerning support when I‘m needy
My friend who always tells me the truth
Kindness when I least expect it
Parents who are appreciative
Those who let me vent without judging
My husband who appreciates my quirks
AA people who support and love me no matter what
Believers in Christ who encourage me in my spiritual journey
Those who have positive words when it would be easy to use the
Friends who seek me out
Help when I don’t ask and help when I do ask
My Kids who remember the “good things”
Grand children who are fun and still show respect
My husband who eats leftovers; I could write a whole gratitude
list about just him
A church that is fun and still effective
The friend who gets me
Siblings; real and not real
People to pray with
True fellowship