Picking and choosing the most important and effective ways to help others is not always easy. There are many ways to minister to the needs of to others. It is easy to get pulled quickly into the quicksand of Let’s go do this. It will be fun and it will help someone! Sometimes that is okay, but often it is a substitute for the perfect-fit thing that God has created us to do. I get distracted by the good things that are not the best things.
Your retired. You’re supposed to have fun!
Exercise groups, recovery meetings, book studies, zoom
meetings, lunch dates, social media, phone conversations, email chains,
counseling sessions (did I say that?) …
those are all great things that I need and enjoy, but if I only do activities
out of habit, busyness, and pursuit of enjoyment, then I’m missing out.
Setting boundaries is becoming important and life-changing.
Guarding against people-pleasing is a new thing for me. If I can’t say why I’m
doing something, then it is probably not something I truly want to do. It will
not bring real or lasting fruit.
I’m starting to ask God, What is that one thing that you
have for me to do today? It’s scary
to ask that question of God. It is also life-changing and purposeful. Having
the intent of pursuing what I was placed on earth to do is what matters at the
end of the day and at the end of eternity.
I’m diving in. Though scared, I’m getting in the water.