I like to do meaningful work. I don’t like to waste my time figuring out what is the right thing to do. The bible says that I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand. How do I know which are the works that He prepared beforehand for me?
What did Jesus do? What are His priorities, His motivations?
HIS works silence the accuser and pierce through the darkness
with truth. HIS works are grounded and rooted in mercy. HIS works are born of
humility; He became a bond-servant. He asks us to do the same. He
made Himself of no reputation. That’s a tough one, but I will ASK Him to
help me do the same. He humbled Himself and became obedient (to the point of
death)! Now that’s humility. I will ASK to have humility enough to be
obedient and do what He desires.
It’s good to know that He doesn’t expect me to do any of
this on my own.
There is no work that I can do that will make me righteous. BUT, God’s righteousness can enable me to do good work.