Finding the good. So often the good gets buried. That might be because other things distract me. It might be that I dwell on the negative, but either way, I like to play the game of
The house is messy, and I don’t have time to clean, BUT I
have a friend who wants to come over and spend time with me.
I forgot to buy two important items at the store so now I
have to return to the store… BUT I have enough money to buy the needed items. AND
the items aren’t really NEEDS. They are WANTS. I have more than enough.
Everyone else is drinking wine with their dinner, and I
would like some too… BUT I have almost 15 years of sobriety that I wouldn’t
trade for anything. I have the TRUE wine of the Holy Spirit.
My grandkid peed in my favorite chair, BUT I have fun grandkids
that like to come over.
It’s dark at 5:30 p.m. and I hate it, BUT I can enjoy my Christmas lights, AND in a month the days will be growing longer again.
I drank so much that it became widely known I was an
alcoholic, BUT I now have an amazing story of how God reached out to me and let
me know I was still HIS and still loved.
Now I am widely known as rescued.
My church is closed again, BUT my heavenly Father is everywhere.
Thanks for helping me