
The drive to persevere comes from our beliefs.  If we have complete assurance of our cause, we will do most anything to protect it. Perseverance means standing alone. Perseverance means you have a vision that cannot be shaken. Perseverance also means you will give your time, money, energy at most any cost.

How do we keep ourselves in faith when others give up or change their mind? Maintaining our strength of reasoning is a challenge when those who once stood with us go another way.

What can we do to maintain? We can gather with like-minded people. We rehearse our words, our thoughts, and our truth on the subject. We study. We read. We research. We tell others. We pray.

Sobriety takes perseverance and is worth the cost. Faith in God takes more perseverance than ever and is essential for any kind of healthy spiritual life.  Relationships take perseverance. Education takes perseverance.

Some causes we are forced into; Sickness takes perseverance. So does dieting, taking criticism, and doing our jobs. We still believe in these things. And so we persevere.

If it brings us life, we don’t give up.

I have been rescued from alcoholism since January 7th, 2006. The miracle of God's grace and restoration continues to prove itself ~ Kerry

      My book, Rescued, A Christian Couple’s Story of Addiction is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble