I have seldom been able to stay positive and full of faith when in a difficult situation. Whenever I face a trial or I have to suffer, I seem to give up. I turn negative, refusing to believe in God’s goodness to come through.
I have lately been trying to thank
God in all circumstances.
I’ve been told that there are great blessings for doing this. To praise
God in a trial is an act of faithfulness toward Him. It is devotion and honor
to Him.
He remains faithful whether I do or
not, but I’m seeing that my faith grows as I stay grateful to God in all circumstances.
He is always faithful. Period. Can I be more faithful to Him?
When there are hard circumstances
that I can’t change, it seems I can reap blessing and rewards if I choose to remain
grateful to God. I can have constant hope. I can have assurance He is with me.
I can withstand criticism. I can be encouraging to others. Those are just a few
of the things I see when I am able to walk in gratitude for WHO God IS, instead
of what He does that pleases me.
My heavenly Father didn’t abandon me
in my horrible days of anger, drunkenness, and difficult sobriety. I don’t want to abandon Him when I have a
trial or am asked to stand for truth. I won’t jump off the ship of faith
because things are hard today.
I got to experience the great rescue
of sobriety He performed in my life. I know how faithful He is. Can
I now choose to remain loyal to His ways?