The boxes were put away on a shelf in a dark corner of the basement. Each box was labeled with an abbreviation in black marker. The label was abbreviated because I didn’t even want to admit what was supposed to be in each empty box. I was ashamed that I had even asked for the desired contents – that I had even wanted something from God. Who am I anyway?
Father asked me to go and get the four boxes and to open
each one. Why had I thought that He would do any of these things for
Sure enough, as I opened each box, there was only emptiness.
But He had told me to ask largely so I had. Then nothing happened. No answer.
No change.
Then He said, your heart is sick with hopelessness.
Unbelief has brought shame that has said, “You are not worthy to receive
anything”. Shame stole your faith.
Then He said, Ask again. Believe me without shame.
How do I do that? And
then it came to me; Ask for a believing heart. Ask also for
So I did. I asked for willingness to believe and for belief itself. Then I made the request again for each thing God had prompted me to ask for. I thanked HIM that He will do each one, as He sees fit. They are surrendered to Him.
I think there is some hope!