Two Fears

A friend recently labeled me fearful because I didn’t want to join her volunteer effort. She told me I needed prodding and encouragement in order to help others.  At first, I was resentful. Then I realized there was small truth in her statement. As I prayed to God, I was given a deeper picture. He said this to me;

Fear IS my major weakness. It is where I am tried and tested. But fear is not where I land. It is not where I stand in the end. I call upon Him daily and he brings me courage. I have to die daily to my own ways of thinking about myself. As I surrender, He turns my fear of failure into FEAR of the LORD. Godly fear overrides fear of wickedness. I know WHO is holding me and WHO never leaves me. When I am in His will, doing those things He has asked, I feel no fear. It is when I go ahead and join efforts and activities in order to please people that I go astray. It is not “worldly fear” I have for God, but respect and honor towards Him. He becomes first. Fearing God takes away fear of evil. Fearing God takes away anxiety that comes through opinions of others. The fear of the Lord brings strong confidence and causes me to have wisdom. It causes me to stay on a difficult, but righteous path. To see as He sees. To follow mercy. To not act hastily.

I have been rescued from alcoholism since January 7th, 2006. The miracle of God's grace and restoration continues to prove itself ~ Kerry