
 I expected to be overlooked.

I expected to be dismissed.

I imagined that I was hidden in the throng of the righteous and I would eventually be ushered into heaven. I was one in the crowd of many who had made a commitment to Jesus.  I had eternal salvation.  I had a Savior.  I was bought and redeemed. But I didn’t know it was so completely personal. He says He knows me intimately. He sought me out when I was turning my back. He wanted to be with me – the failure, the drunk, the reprobate... He says that I never was a failure. Just fallen, and then rescued. Restored.

I had a small hope that in heaven I might be individually honored for just a moment. I might possibly have access to a treasured relationship with Him. But He says it starts now. NOW, I am being told, I have His undivided attention. And He desires my undivided attention. I am not only uniquely formed but uniquely noticed, individually cherished, wholly loved – Now, in this present life on earth. Me, a regular person, am honored because I am His. I am made worthy of His attention. I have favor beyond what I believed to be possible in this life.

How can this be?  It’s the biggest miracle ever. It’s so gigantic and yet I didn’t see it. It’s the hidden treasure, the pearl of greatest price, beyond human comprehension.

He is worth spending my life on.