My Shepherd

 The Lord is my Shepherd

He is MY shepherd. It is a personal relationship like no other. He is the ultimate security, the unfailing safety net. He never tires of being there for His people. It doesn’t get old for Him because He is love.

 I shall not want.

I shall not lack. I shall be content with all I have. I shall see the purpose in humble positions and portions. I shall look for the good. Gratitude will overtake me.

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

I am constantly nourished by the Shepherd. His food is exactly what I am made for. His provisions are deeply satisfying. What He provides is fresh; it's all new, all the time – though it's thousands of years old. 

I never fear while lying down in His pastures. I know I won’t have to jump up and run away.

He leads me beside still waters.

The still waters are reminders of His faithfulness. They don’t move or change. My mind can always picture them. All the testimonies of what He has done are now permanent scenes – like they are painted on canvas. The waters have become a gallery of comfort and deep peace. I can walk for hours soaking them in.

He restores my soul.

My soul is being transformed into His original design. No longer wounded. Is that even possible? Yes. My soul can believe that because it is becoming so. Finally, in heaven it will be completely so.