We probably all aim to accomplish meaningful goals and purposeful projects in our lifetime. It’s sometimes hard to figure out what are the best, most important things to do. The Bible says that I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand. How do I know which are the works that He prepared beforehand for me personally? I don’t believe God wants to keep it a secret. If I look at the life of Jesus, I see what He valued.
What did Jesus do? What are His priorities, His motivations?
HIS works silence the accuser and pierce through the
darkness with truth. HIS works are grounded and rooted in mercy. HIS works are
born of humility.
Wow! Can’t start there. I need to get more practical.
He took on the form of a bond-servant. Serving others
can be tricky when they don’t appreciate it. If I remember to serve the Lord
first, people second, I may be able to grow a servant’s heart.
He made Himself of
no reputation. That’s a tough one, but I will ask Him to help me do the
same. I have cared way too much what others think. I have to confess my pride
He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of
death! Now that’s humility! Children
are the biblical role model of humility. Why is that? Because they are unassuming and honest?
Innocent? Or could it be that they NEED
their Father and must RELY on a parent? I
pray to be dependent, desperate even, for God’s help. That’s a little scary.
It’s so good to know that He doesn’t expect me to do any work
in my own strength. He will provide all
that is necessary. I am told He has perfect plans for each of us based on how
and why He made us.
There is no work that I can do that will make
me righteous. However, God’s righteousness can enable me to do good and
effective work.