One of the reasons people drink is envy. Resentment over perceived lack of material possessions can make us emotionally ill. Obsession with what others have can cause us to stay in the place of wanting. If we can’t have these things, we believe will make us happy, we drink. We escape our wants and unmet desires by getting drunk. The drunk place is a happy, comfortable place. It always greets us with warm recognition. Our regrets are easily forgotten while drunk. For me, it was a daily vacation from life. My life always seemed dull and lacking compared to others. Of course, when I was drinking my life probably was dull and lacking. However, some of those resentments have stayed with me in sobriety. I recently decided to pray honestly about envious feelings. I decided to put it all out there and ask God why I’m not getting blessed like other people. They have money, new cars, big, gorgeous homes, second homes, trips to warm places…
Here is how He answered me.
You don’t know what goes on in those big houses. You have
been given specific blessings of depth. Sobriety - moving on a continuum away
from addiction - is desired by many, but seldom achieved. Peace with The Savior
is desired by many, but seldom received. Influence in the spiritual realm is
wanted by most, but the price is too high to maintain. The mantle of praise for
leanness of soul is sought after but often unattainable. Remember that you have
given up treasure on earth and traded it for treasure in heaven. Never forget
this. These are important truths that you don’t want to let go.