The Fear of the Lord

 We sometimes hear the phrase the Fear of the Lord. I went on a search to find out more about what this means. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. (Prov. 8:13) It also means to seek wisdom in order to avoid evil snares. It means to have a healthy respect for who God is. He holds all authority. No other god has a name that is above all other principalities and powers.

God’s goodness is part of this fear of the Lord. When I have faith in His goodness, then I know that all things truly will work out for good for me because I love God. God only brings good. The enemy only brings evil. God turns what the devil means for destruction into good. He restores things. He blesses things. He creates possibilities out of empty circumstances. I didn’t believe this until recently, but I have seen that it is true. I haven’t yet seen it NOT come true.

Godly principles such as consequences helped steer me towards Him. When I was drinking, I experienced consequences for my drunken behaviors. Some of these consequences were loss of respect, loss of opportunities, broken relationships, shame, and ill health. God didn’t want me to go through those, but it was necessary for me in order to learn about Him.

In sobriety I have developed a healthy fear of the Lord. I know He alone holds the keys to life and death. He is goodness, joy, and abundance. I would rather stay with Him where I can receive those things than I would take part in addiction again.

I learned through suffering in sin that God loves me. It is my choice to follow Him and His ways. It is my choice to love Him back.      

I have been rescued from alcoholism since January 7th, 2006. The miracle of God's grace and restoration continues to prove itself ~ Kerry