It Changes Everything

 I recently heard a man talk about his near-death experience. He came away from that with an understanding that he could’ve died had he wanted to, but God gave him a will to live. His life now is filled with gratitude for the life God gave him.  He experienced God’s presence.

This started me thinking about how God changes my perspective in an instant. My understanding of important things can change when I catch those things that God is saying. Those small, fleeting thoughts or phrases often bring God’s presence along with them. That is what changes me – His presence.

I recently woke up on two days with a song going through my head. I could’ve just let it go, but I paid attention for once. One of those songs was, “Come thou Font of Every Blessing”. It speaks of God binding my wandering heart to Him. As I played the song, it hit me deeply that I do wander if I don’t ask to be kept there. The next day I awoke to the song “Majesty”. The phrase, forever I am changed by Your love in the presence of Your Majesty kept repeating. As I played that song, His presence was heavy. It changed my whole day. The things I had thought were important melted away and I was given the will to seek out people that needed encouragement. I got washed in the love of God, and so did they. That same week, I looked outside and saw that ferns were taking over my hill. I had been trying to get them to grow for three years, but when I planted them, they all died. God sent the right kind of fern into my yard without any help from me.  As I took time to notice, His presence came. He wanted me to know that He notices everything and He cares deeply.

Only the presence of God brings lasting change in my life.  His presence on earth can be experienced. I can help others see how good God is simply by staying near God and listening.

If you are seeking God’s presence, keep going. He is near. God wants us to find His presence while we’re still on earth. It changes everything.


I have been rescued from alcoholism since January 7th, 2006. The miracle of God's grace and restoration continues to prove itself ~ Kerry