Faith #2


One of the best ways I have found to stay in faith is to remember what God has said.  When God speaks, it’s those truths that keep me focused and believing. I can rehearse His words and pray those same things back to Him. As I do that, I sense Him encouraging me. I said that, and I mean that. Fear not, You are mine. I often write His words down so that I don’t forget them because there are many distracting, negative things that come at me every day. Those opposing ideas could easily tear down my memory of His words unless I am diligent.

His Word, the Bible, is the strength of my faith. And really, it’s the strength of my life. So many times God has spoken exactly what I needed at the precise time I needed it through the Bible.

There is one falsehood that has hindered my faith in the past. It is the belief that God acts like people.  The truth is – He doesn’t. God doesn’t behave as the world does. He doesn’t give us what we deserve. In fact, He gives us what we don’t deserve. Unconditional love, acceptance, and help are His actions. His motives are opposite of my natural tendencies. He is motivated solely by compassion, even if I require correction or consequences.   If I know and believe WHO He is, then I can faithfully wait for Him to do the things that He wants to do in my life.

We have known and believed the Love God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.  1 Jn. 4:16