Instead of....

 I have been rescued from the torment of addiction. Why then, do I have the behaviors, fears, and feelings of an angry drunk?  I have been plucked from the fire. Yet, I make a daily choice to follow God, to surrender to His ways, not my own. The freedom in Christ is complete and lasting if I walk with Him, instead of following the icky voice in my head. Memorize His words, instead of rehearsing falsehoods and criticisms.

I choose the INSTEAD OFs.

Instead of oppression, freedom

Instead of ashes, beauty

Instead of heaviness, the garment of praise

Instead of mourning, the oil of joy

Instead of distraction, intentional truth

Instead of addiction, reality

Instead of shame, double honor

Instead of thorns, Myrtle trees

Instead of doubt, faith  

Adapted from Is. 61

I have been rescued from alcoholism since January 7th, 2006. The miracle of God's grace and restoration continues to prove itself ~ Kerry