Divine Interruption.

 Sometimes when there are storms or events of nature that bring everything to a halt, it seems like God is speaking. Get out of the box. Stop going through the motions. The I AM is here, and He wants me to call upon HIM. The snow speaks. It says, God is above all the earth. Only He is Holy. Only He has all power and authority.

Human plans are all changed. Suddenly everything is closed. No get-together. No shopping. No extra food to buy. No well-planned church service. But that may be the whole point. That just may be God’s intent. Maybe church is too planned with too much glory given to man’s agenda. Man’s fleshly talents can over-ride true worship of the King of all Kings. What if we just came together and sang from our hearts? No practices, no polished videos. Instead of a rehearsed sermon, a time of sharing the testimony of what God is doing.

What if we gave gifts of encouraging words instead of boxes of technology or gift cards? What if we gave love and kindness, even forgiveness, instead of hours of decorating and baking?

I have to pause. Did God purposely plan this divine interruption? Do I need one?